Because of the stress with closing on our house Brian and I decided it would be a great idea to get away and to not worry about a thing. Brian'a brother Mike came along with us...kind of as a going away present before he leaves on his mission(He is leaving to Peru in September).
California. is. awesome.
The vacation was brilliant, and I didn't think about our home once!
Seriously though we have been trying to close on our house for a month now!! geez!
We stayed at the Marriott in downtown San Diego, it used to be a bank back in the day!
The hotel was historical and kind of reminded me of The Shining. ekkk!
It was awesome though and downtown had crazy people and bums everywhere. Lol
The following day we all went to Carlsbad beach, everything there is very nice and although the weather was freezing and windy, we had a blast.
If you hadn't noticed before, in the pictures above we are all sporting ASU swimming suits and shirts, it definitely wasn't planned. :)