it's so crazy I know, sometimes I forget its real.
I am very sick all the time, losing weight...yet loving it.
Today Brian and I got to see the baby through an ultra sound. words can't even describe. I have a baby in my tummy?! I saw it's heart beating and I was in love.
I can't wait to experience these next seven months.
Due date is set JULY 12th, 2011
We told our families on Thanksgiving...they were thrilled. My mommy and sisters cried, so happy and in shock. it was awesome. I wrapped a magazine called GRANDBABY and when my parents opened it my mom about flew into my arms. it was great!
We made Brian's family a scrapbook page of a list of all NINETEEN grandkids ending with us....the first baby to carry on the Brown name.
Alright now that I am finished writing this, I am off to bed. soooooooooo exhausted.