ALOT has happened to me in two years and I couldn't wait to share it all with him. I met Brian, got engaged and married, bought a house and found out I was pregnant all while he was gone. He came home to many changes but I think he was weirded out the most by my baby bump.
Brian and I took the day off to meet him at the airport. It seemed like forever standing there waiting to see a glance of him.
He is so handsome and tall! He has really grown up! As a family we talked for hours and caught up on life, he met Brian and they seem to click really well (I knew they would).
Later we all had our favorite meal by Mom which is her homemade lasagna and cherry cheesecake! AMAZING! yummy! A few days later we watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows! What a great weekend, and we get to hang out some more Easter Sunday and go to two different wards where Chase is speaking!
I love that boy!
I love my mom's face there! HAHAHA
Pregnancy Update:
I am 29 weeks and feelin pretty good. It's harder to sleep, I sleep with lots of pillows to keep me comfortable but they don't always work.
I love feeling her all day long and seeing my belly move. She reacts to our voices and even a slight touch to my tummy. I can't wait for her. I have had dreams about her and I know she will be absolutely beautiful.
This week she is the size of a squash! :)