JULY 8TH, 2011. AFTER NINE MONTHS IN THE MAKING I FINALLY HAD MY BABY GIRL.First I wanna start out by saying how amazing this whole experience was! I loved every minute of it, even the pain, call me crazy but I actually thought it was fun. I would definitely do it again.
I suppose it started on
July 5th when I got my membranes stripped. It hurt but seemed like it made some progress.
Jump 48 hours later,
July 7th, no contractions, so I was convinced I would be having this baby after my due date. Anyways, I was bored and had a lot of energy so I decided to go to my parent's house to go shopping with my mom and sister.
3:00pm I get there, start talking to my mom and suddenly I have something warm running down my legs. I ran to the bathroom and my water was leaking all over me. I stayed calm, called my doctor, and they told me to go to the hospital.
4:00pm I drove out to Banner Ironwood with my mom (my mom was a little too nervous to drive), and I was sitting there waiting to be tested in triage when my water broke completely all over the bed they had me on. IT WAS AWESOME! coolest feeling, I was so excited!
5:00pm They had me start walking the halls of the hospital for two hours. still at 1 cm even after walking all that time.
(thats me walking around the building, looking out the window)7:30pm Because of the risk of infection, I was given Pitocin to help move along my labor. This is when the pain really started and all I wanted to do was sleep.
11:00pm We sent both of our moms to our house five minutes away to sleep.
(needed oxygen for a few minutes)2:00am I was
still dilated at 1 cm, 80% effaced. At this point I had got the epidural and was feeling better. All I can say is that the epidural was AMAZING and I am so glad I got it! It made me relax and not stress out with the pain.
4:00am 3cm...slowly making progress right?
7:00am I went back to sleep for a few hours and I jumped to 9cm at 7, my AWESOME nurse called the doctor and told me she would start having me push soon. Started finally pushing at

(My mom and Brian's mom helped me through delivery)
(I love him.)Piece of cake, I stayed calm, in my own little zone so I could see my baby.
Probably one of my favorite things that happened was I was waiting for the next contraction to push her head out the rest of the way but instead Georgiana was so impatient she must have pushed up against my ribs (so painful) because she pushed her head totally out on her own.
Last push felt so weird, it was like a huge fish fell out of me and then there was a baby on my belly.
FINISHED!Brian cut the umbilical cord.
They took Georgiana away from me though because she wasn't breathing right and when they checked her temperature it was 101.5. :(

They ran some tests on her and I had to wait for them to be done...felt like forever, but I needed her to be okay and safe.
During this time my doctor, Dr. Kingra showed us all the placenta and let us touch it. such a cool experience, and you best believe we got pictures of that. ;)
I may have forgotten a lot but 24 hours later we were able to go home early, Georgiana's test came back okay and she did not have any infections. I feel so blessed to have this little angel in my life that Heavenly Father entrusted me with. The second she came into this world everything changed for the better. I love her so much.