Friday, April 13, 2012

Happy Easter 2012

This Easter was great! It was Georgiana's first and of course she was spoiled. She LOVED all the stuffed animals she got, a little chick, a chicken, a duck, and two teddy bears. She got bunny ears, her own "phone", clothes, a minnie mouse hat, minnie mouse bubbles and etc..woah that kid gets too much, which most of it is from her grandparents and great grandma! Oh well I can't complain, more to keep her entertained.

Later after church we went over to my parents for dinner. We love to hang out with family. We also took some last minute family pictures.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

8 months

Recently I really have not felt like blogging but I do it so I can have record of all the fun things Giana does so I can one day soon make scrapbooks for her.

So this past month Georgiana is growing so quickly and starting to do so many more new things.

She is 19lbs.
she started saying "mama" "mom"
She is SO close to crawling.
She does the stink bug crawling right now, so desperate to get to everything.
She slowly walks and stands up holding on to furniture.

She LOVES Blue's Clues and Backyardigans.
I sing a lullaby from the Backyardigans that she and I love, it goes:
Rest my little darling
You’ve had a busy day
The sun is a'falling
And it’s time for me to say

Hush, hush, hush little mermaid,
Good night.
Hush, hush little mermaid,
Sleep tight.
Close your eyes,
Close your eyes and lay down your head,
In your peaceful ocean bed.
Have a snooze, please, like I said and
Hush, hush, hush little mermaid,
Good night.
Hush little mermaid,
Sleep tight.

That's only half the song but i love it. puts her to sleep everytime.

She is continuing to wave hi and bye...she has started clapping.
She also uses her pointer finger and thumb to pick up and eat anything and everything thats on the floor.
She loves strawberries
Here is a picture of her eating a sour strawberry. haha