Brian has started another semester of school with 15 flippin' credits and working full time! I don't know how he does it. I will be starting school soon also. I can't wait to start so I can learn more; I'm most excited about continuing sign language!
We had our two year anniversary this past week! It was nice but it's hard to do things without Gigi.

Georgiana has hit so many milestones I don't even know where to begin.
All I know is this girl is growing up fast and I want to enjoy every second I have with her.
She will be 7 months next week and is 17lbs 11oz. 90% in her height (very tall, her feet hang out of her car seat).
Giana can now:
sit up by herself.
hold her bottle.
says DADA!
waves. (when she feels like it.)
says Hi, hey, and yeah all the time. haha.
mi-micks what we say.
says MA (almost mama right?)
talks to her stuffed animals, her favorites are Minnie Mouse and Marie from Aristocats.
laughs at silly stuff.
plays games!
drinks water from a cup.
eats baby food. (so far she only likes green peas and squash)
reaches out for everything and everyone.
shakes her head "yes"
She loves paper and tries to eat it any chance she gets lol.
She also loves to watch me brush my teeth and tries to do it with her little brush.

The other day I got a yoga ball to work out with and she is terrified of it. Cries anytime it comes near her. poor girl.

ah she is such a fun little girl to be around, everyone just loves her. She is ALWAYS center of attention and she likes that a lot!
She's so big!! I'm texting Stacey now to figure out a time to hang out. We need to ASAP before this girl gets any bigger :)
ReplyDeleteShe is so darn cute! Don't they seriously grow so flippen fast, it's amazing! Porter will be a year in only 3 weeks...ahhhh!!! I know Lisa has said it before, but Giana is a perfect mix of you two, so perfect!